Read Database tables into Pandas DataFrame

2 min readJan 7, 2021
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

As a Machine Learning aspirant we need to read csv/excel files to perform data anaysis but then comes a time when we have to go deeper into loading data and we have to fetch data from a SQL database or a SQL table.

We’ll perform a basic dataloading from a MySQL database table to a pandas DataFrame.


We need the following things installed on your machine with basic knowledge of working on pandas and mysql:

  1. a sql client, we’ll use MySQL for our operations
  2. Python, pandas,pymysql.
  3. sqlalchemy, if not installed, use : pip install sqlalchemy

Let’s Start !!

We’ll start with installing packages and libraries onto our machine in a jupyter notebook:

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine as ce

Create an object for the sqlalchemy and fill in details as per your mysql configurations:


Refer the below mentioned values:

username: root
password: Password@199026
host : localhost
port : 3306
database: employees

We use read_sql_table method from pandas and the below mentioned command in jupyter notebook fetches information from salaries table in the employees database


Once the above command has executed without errors, you can execute belwo command to see table:salaries value in a DataFrame:df


Output for the above command is as follows:


And that was a simple way of fetching data from a database to pandas DataFrame!!

